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CertiK audited a total of over 3700 projects to date and reported on many incidents. In this report you will learn about: The most lucrative hacks in Q2 2022...
Tiger Incident Analysis
On 2022-07-15 09:50:19 EST, project TIGER was rugged for approximately $4.518M.
PREMINT NFT Incident Analysis
Analysis Reports
At 8:00 AM UTC, Premint announced on their Twitter page that their website was compromised. They advised all users to not sign any transactions requiring them to indicate “Set Approval For All” as a setting. In total, 6 exploited wallets have been identified thus far. The profits gained from the attack at this point are ~$375k, making it one of the largest NFT hacks this year.
5 Definitive Red Flags in Crypto-Investment
In order to protect yourself from falling for the wrong crypto project, we have developed this simple safety check-list, which should help quickly screen out of your watch-list any projects exhibiting one of these 5 red flags
Revisiting The My Farm Pet Flashloan
Analysis Reports
On 06 October 2021, MyFarmPet was hit by a malicious flashloan attack which profited ~31k BUSD and 100 BNB (~$22k) being deposited into Tornado Cash.
What is a Security Audit? | Bite Size Blockchain
A new CertiK series giving users bite-size tips and info to stay informed and safe in the #crypto space. Episode 3: What is a Security Audit? Check it out to learn what a security audit is, how to find them, and tips on what to look for https://www.certik.com/resources
What is a the Metaverse? | Bite Size Blockchain
Bite Size Blockchain A new CertiK series giving users bite-size tips and info to stay informed and safe in the #crypto space. Episode 4: What is the Metaverse? Check it out to learn what the #metaverse is, where it came from, what you can use it for, and more all under 2 min! https://www.certik.com/resources
What is Blockchain Analysis? | Bite Size Blockchain
Bite Size Blockchain A new CertiK series giving users bite-size tips and info to stay informed and safe in the #crypto space. Episode 5: What is Blockchain Analysis? Check it out to learn what blockchain analysis is. https://www.certik.com/resources
Uniswap Phishing Incident Analysis
Analysis Reports
On 11 July 2022, an attack that impersonated Uniswap occurred, resulting in the exploiter gaining 3,278 ETH (~$3.6M) and 240 WBTC (~$4.7M) from Positions NFTs in a phishing campaign.
Wiener DOGE Exploit
Analysis Reports
On April 25 2022, at 8:33 AM +UTC, the Wiener DOGE project was exploited, causing a loss of ~$30,000 USD.
Paraluni Exploit
Analysis Reports
Paraluni's MasterChef contract was attacked on March 13, 2022, at 12:04:30 AM +UTC for a total loss of $1.7M
Fantasm Finance
Analysis Reports
On March 9 2022, at 01:50:20 PM +UTC, Fantasm Finance collateral reserve pool was exploited for ~$2.62M.
HACK3D: The Web3 Security Quarterly Report - Q2 2022
CertiK audited a total of over 3700 projects to date and reported on many incidents. In this report you will learn about: The most lucrative hacks in Q2 2022...
Revisiting The Redemption Flashloan Attack
Analysis Reports
Redemption suffered from a massive coordinated flash loan attack resulting in the loss of approximately 4 million 2OMB tokens, or $1,600,000 in equivalent, at the peak of the attack.
Revisiting The Day of Defeat Rugpull
Analysis Reports
On May-05-2022 +UTC, approximately $1.35M worth of assets were stolen from the DoD token with two EOAs involved.
British Army Twitter & YouTube Hack
Analysis Reports
The British Army became an unlikely victim of a hack to promote NFTs with their official Twitter and YouTube accounts being compromised.
Crema Finance Exploit
Analysis Reports
On 02 July 2022 08:08 PM +UTC, Crema Finance was hit with the first of multiple malicious flashloan attacks. Each flashloan targeted a different liquidity pool on the platform, with ~$8.8m drained.
Starstream / Algora Incident
Analysis Reports
On 07 April 2022, the Starstream Treasury was exploited leading to a total loss of ~$15m.
Revisiting DecentraWorld
Analysis Reports
On May-24-2022 05:48:30 PM +UTC, the DecentraWorld token price dropped over 97%. DecentraWorld project was identified as rugpulled, leading to a little over >$1M USD loss (~3127 BNB).
June Stats Graphic
The June Stats Graphic shows datas of hacks in June, 2022.
What is Web3? | Bite Size Blockchain
Bite Size Blockchain A new CertiK series giving users bite-size tips and info to stay informed and safe in the #crypto space. Episode 2: What is Web3? Check it out to learn what #Web3 is, how it will change the internet, the benefits, use of #NFT's, and more! https://www.certik.com/resources
Fortress Loans Incident Analysis
Analysis Reports
An attacker was able to manipulate the project’s oracle allowing them to borrow a number of different tokens with inflated collateral and swap them leading to a drain of ~$3M (1,048.1 ETH and 400,000 DAI).
Twitter Hacks on the Rise
Analysis Reports
Twitter hacks related to Web3 accounts have been on the rise, growing more popular due to the fact that they can be done remotely, that they are not easily detectable, and are surprisingly easy to do. Protect yourself.
Revisiting FEI Protocol Incident
Analysis Reports
On 30 April 2022, Fei Protocol announced that they were aware of and looking into an exploit on various Rari Fuse pools, that turned out to be a common re-entrancy attack.
Harmony Incident Analysis
Analysis Reports
A bridge exploit occurred on Harmony’s Horizon bridge amounting to the loss of approximately $97M.